Nelly writes regularly for the Australian press. She has been a columnist for New Matilda and has been published in The Age Newspaper, The Guardian, The Sydney Morning Herald, Daily Life, The Curio and elsewhere.
Nelly is the proud author of five books (a Memoir/Manifesto, a picture book for adults and three children's books).
She also writes regularly for the Australian online and print media (see below).
Kids Books
Nelly’s books were recommended for inclusive early years education resources by ABC recently! Read HERE
SOME GIRLS, SOME BOYS are SOME BRAINS: a book celebrating neurodiversity are Nelly’s kid’s books.
They all aim to instil confidence in young kids by challenging old-fashioned stereotypes. They are stories about how everyone is different and special in their own way.
Nelly tells ABC Life why Mums should vacation alone, ABC LIfe
Nelly here with Christos Tsiolkas at Radio National studios, Melbourne
What I want Teens to Know About Married at First Sight, Daily Life
Who’s Afraid of a Boy in a Skirt? Sydney Morning Herald
Why we need more working class voices, ABC Online
How do you raise resilient kids?, The Guardian
Raising Girls, New Matilda
A Letter to my Younger Self, New Matilda
Nelly Navigates... Vulva Language, Jean Hailes for Women's Health
Feminist Parenting, New Matilda
Income for all: a world without Centrelink, New Matilda
Nelly doing one of her many readings of the books to kids.
Kardashian: why we don't like women who come out on top, Sydney Morning Herald
They call it puppy love: how a dog saved my life, New Matilda
How my Mate Became Homeless (the working poor), New Matilda
Why we should all watch some Crap TV, New Matilda
Understanding Pauline, New Matilda
My year undercover with Muslim Australians, New Matilda
Why do left wing men fail to see their own Misogyny?, New Matilda
Why you won't find Nelly hating the Kardashians, The Age Newspaper
The Case Against Feelpinion, Daily Life
Why consent must be taught in black and white, Daily Life
The One Parenting Mistake it's Easy to Fix, Daily Life
Where Can We Go?, Our Watch
On Being Fat, Daily Life